Let's Grow Your AmaZiNG-ness! Hey there, creatives and entrepreneurs! Ever felt that little spark inside you, urging you to bring your fantastic ideas to life? Well, meet ZiNG, your new ... READ MORE
A Creative Retreat is VITAL to your Business
Ready to Grow or UpLevel Your Biz? Let's be REAL. Running a Creative business can be exhilarating, exciting, profitable and joyful. It can also be a lot of WORK with systems and structures that ... READ MORE
Business Games: How to PLAY in your Business
AND, Make Loads of Money I am thrilled to be interviewed by the amazing Astrid Mueller to talk about Business Games, Playing, and How to Make more money by adding the FUN factor to ... READ MORE
Develop Your Business Intuition With Manifestation Game
Press Release: Jean Berry launches her new business intuition game for executives and entrepreneurs, Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies: 100 Days of Miracles. The game connects ... READ MORE
Why Creativity BELONGS In Your Business!
For many creative entrepreneurs, stepping into the traditional business box is nearly impossible. Being creative INSIDE our business structure allows us to operate at maximum capability. For people ... READ MORE
Business Intuition: Staying True To Your Mission
Intuition is that deep knowing that is both in your body and in the world in the bigger sense. It's that space where we get to find what's true. Intuition guides us to know what direction to go, what ... READ MORE