Ready to Grow or UpLevel Your Biz?
Let’s be REAL. Running a Creative business can be exhilarating, exciting, profitable and joyful. It can also be a lot of WORK with systems and structures that are not native to our creative minds. That can cause a dissidence that need to be harmonized in order for JOY, PROFIT and IMPACT to grow when you start, continue or, ready to up-level your business. This is where Creative Retreats are a MUST for business owners and entrepreneurs!
They not only RESET your energy, they EXPAND your capacity for making the income and impact you desire [through PLAY!]. Also, when done really well, they integrate your newfound energy and clarity seamlessly into your up-leveled business mind/body/spirit.
Following are some tips on using Creative Retreats as a Vital part of your business planning and structure. (Plus some insights on how to make SURE you will get what you want and NEED from your creative business retreat.)
All great creative retreats have three parts and processes. (I like to call them the Rounds of the Retreat Game!)
Round 1, RESET: Set up Your Creative Retreat for Success with Rest, Relaxation and Dreams
Resetting your creative business involves three parts:
- Rest
- Relax
- Dream
By taking time at the beginning of your creative retreat for these 3, you set up for Creative Flow, New Solutions, and REAL renewal.
A creative retreat gives you time off from the daily energetic pulls of business and allows your mind and body time to reset. Refreshing your mind, body and soul so you can go back to the business that is your mission. It’s how you make the real difference you desire to create in the world.
I have been to retreats that start off the event with ‘hype’. Exciting and overstimulating opening event that for me, makes me feel overwhelmed or anxious, and often results in the retreat not being as impactful as it could have been, because I am unable to implement the beautiful insights that happened during my time away.
Check your retreat plan and agenda. Is there plenty of time for your RESET: resting, relaxing and dreaming at the BEGINNING of the retreat?
Round 2: PLAY to ReDefine, ReFine and ReCreate
This is a the ‘work’ part of a retreat. Through creative processes, your retreat leader will skillfully walk you along the path to not only define what is, but REFINE that into actionable insights and ReCreate [PLAY!].
We Play to ReDefine your mission, ReFine your systems and structures and ReCreate the business map that continuously points you in the direction of your vision.
The biggest play, then, is effortlessly flowing into your highest alignment–your childlike connection to your deepest and best magic. This allows insights to come about in the playtime of the retreat. Creating delightful knowings and ahas that uplevel your business!
This is the system that moves your business from good to GREAT!
Making Creative Retreats a VITAL part of your business plan of staying at the Creative Edge of your service for and with your clients. They expect it from you and you MUST journey to the edge frequently to deliver that fresh level of magic that you are known for.
I was totally called in to a retreat one time that promised meditations of ‘DEEP Cello’. Reading it made my heart skip a beat! Along with painting and yoga, it was a WOW. Needless to say, it opened up an energy system of deep resonance with my ideal clients, and, like magic, I began attracting more aligned creative, retreat and game clients!
What kind of PLAY and CREATIVE processes will feed your business soul? Make sure to include some of your favorites, and make some room for new things you have never tried before and perhaps are calling to you!
New locations, new processes and new outlook rewires your brain and body for next level ideas and implementation in your business.
Creative Retreat Round 3: ReEnergize + ReIntegrate
Finally, round 3 of the Creative retreat energizes your new map so you know what do to do on a daily basis and actually do it. Reintegrating back into your ‘real world’ can be challenging. There can be an overwhelming feeling of new ideas pushing against the old strategies. It’s not enough to just go on a creative retreat. You need to integrate what you discovered into your business.
If you don’t re-integrate, then it’s just an expensive vacation (which is fine if that’s all it was intended for). But if there is deep growth in the experience that should help your business grow or improve, then don’t leave those behind!
The most incredible integration that happened for me after a creative retreat, was meeting a co-creator from the retreat in the hotel bar following the event. We saw the synchronicity in what we offered, envisioned a whole new creative retreat with promotion plan, and upon return home, I announced it, and sold 3 spots right away. That’s ease!
A great retreat structure creates systems that come with you into your business back home in a way they can be implemented immediately, with a long-term eye on some the bigger structural changes that will be flowing in over the following months.
Should You Plan Your Next Creative Retreat?
Truly, a creative retreat is vital to your business. You can’t afford not to take some time out of your ordinary routine and focus on what matters most–your vision and its implementation.
Doing all 3 rounds of the Creative Retreat Process:
- ReSet your business’ mind/body/spirit systems so they function with synchronicity and more effortlessly up-level into your new, higher alignment.
- ReFine your thoughts, flow and structures though creative practices.
- ReEnergize and ReIntegrate into your ‘real world’ so you know what to do and you do it with new excitement, an action plan and vision of a better world and a profitable, impactful business.
When is your next (or first!) creative retreat?
I am currently offering one-on-one Creative Retreats in Las Vegas. Watch for updates:
(can’t wait?!) shoot me an email, and we can talk.
Read more about Business Games and Business Retreats in the Experts Blog Library right here at JeanBerryPresents!