Intuition is that deep knowing that is both in your body and in the world in the bigger sense. It’s that space where we get to find what’s true. Intuition guides us to know what direction to go, what action to take, and what decision to make that sets us up for the best possible outcome. This is an amazing skill to tap into for growing a business!
The purpose of your intuition is to allow you to live your best life and have the experience that you came here as a human to be and do.
You came here to do something really specific. Then you forgot that calling and are here now trying to figure it out. Intuition guides you back to that mission. It’s a really cool tool that says:
- Do I feel drawn to that?
- Am I excited about that?
- Am I ready to do that?
Intuition confirms that you are on the right path and can be just as valuable in business as in your personal lives. In fact, intuition in business is an amazing magical tool that has been incredibly untapped.
Intuition is never wrong. However, you may misinterpret it because of your story or programming. In addition, your ego can interfere with recognizing guidance from your Higher Self. It can be helpful to ask “What is highest and best for me (or my business) at this moment?” Sometimes you’ll get a different answer than what your logical mind has been telling you.
You may be asking “How do I know when it’s my intuition talking?”
That’s a great question. Pay attention to your expansion-contraction feeling. This is a physical, visceral response in your body. Expansion is that state where you suddenly feel bigger or wider. It may be a fuzzy, warm feeling or goosebumps. It’s the sensation that tells you that everything is possible. Most people who feel expansion will feel around their heart or in their stomach or in their gut, some feel it in their whole body, or all around them, and most people feel it in their skin. Contraction is a fearful state where something feels small, wrong, disconnected, confusing, or just ‘off’.
All successful big businesses had a founder who was intuitive, even if they didn’t use that language.
They may have spoken in more traditional business practice language, but they were guided by vision and undoubtedly intuition, that their business decisions were sound. In the business world, I’ve heard it called a “gut feeling” rather than intuition.
You can use business intuition to develop products and services. Simply setting an intention to focus on ideas for new offerings, dedicating time to it and allowing a ritual of focus to emerge can give space for your intuition to be heard. Whatever comes through will be aligned with your business goals. It is worthy to have an idea incubation process that both allows new ideas to emerge as well as test them for market viability. Intuition can be used for both!
Not every creative based entrepreneur is naturally adept at business operations. But they can rely on intuitive messages to make those operations fit better with their natural abilities. Make operations easier on yourself by checking in on the streamlined path: perhaps you can bring in a team member or do the task another, more creative way.
Fitting ‘business intuition’ into the world’s definition of business practices inherently limits you.
Typical business practices (such as marketing, beta testing, networking, accounting) feel like they must be done a certain way to be successful. However, it’s critical that you make sure YOUR business practices align intuitively with what is most authentic and true for you individually. This means adding joy to these practices and creating systems that get the job done while still aligning with your values, mission and strengths.
Intuition can be used in a formal way by business decision-makers. In addition to tuning into your “gut feelings” and being aware of your expansion-contraction response, look for signs (I call them sidewalk oracles) that validate (or invalidate) decisions you’re considering. Use the layers of your intuition including spirit guidance, sudden ‘knowing’, body feelings and more. If your gut tells you to get more guidance from other thought leaders or mentors, follow that intuitive path.
As a creative, I’ve resolved to do some kind of practice every day that uses my business intuition to stay focused on the results I desire. For example, check your focus daily to ensure you’re aligned with your main business goals and mission. I personally don’t want to maintain focus on anything that’s not fun or has lost excitement. Focus and fun are not polar opposites!
A great question to hone your intuitive skills in business is “How can I do this better?” It’s a really simple question. Just sit in it for a minute. The universe hates a vacuum so if you ask a question, an answer will come. Undoubtedly, that answer will be aligned with your strengths, goals, and spiritual path.
Intuition absolutely has a place in the business world.
In fact, it’s hard to argue that successful businesses are built without it. Your intuition and Higher Self have led you to the business you are offering to the world. You owe it to yourself and your clients to use this valuable tool to guide the growth and development of your business.
Want to know more about intuition? Check out my other blog posts:
Business Intuition and Building Marketing Buzz:
Play to Open Up Intuition:
I Can’t Hear My Intuition:
How Intuition and Play Can Grow Your Business: