Welcome, friend.
I’m so glad you’re here.
While I don’t know you personally I do know a few things about you.
You’re here because you let your heart take the lead.
You’re inspired by the world around you.
You trust your intuition.
You want your life and your business to impact others in a big way.
And most of all, you trust the Universe to reveal the path and guide you while you move forward in your life and business.
Me, too.
I’m Jean, and I want to create with you.
I’d prefer to sit with you and enjoy a cup of tea – but for the moment this online page will do.
I want to share with you how my Soul Connection with the Universe led me to be a business owner…a game creator…a business coach for creative entrepreneurs like you.
Many years ago my dear friend Lynn was diagnosed with breast cancer. She wanted to experience a deeper connection with the Universe…to bring real and lasting meaning to her life.
Together, she and I shared an incredible 7-year adventure.
We traveled the world. We met with masters and gurus. We studied and practiced soul-and-body healing modalities. We experienced spirit expanding journeys. We listened and trusted the Universe as it guided us.
There’s no other word for what Lynn and I experienced except “transformative”.
When Lynn’s time to pass finally came, I was crushed. I felt untethered. I wasn’t sure what to do next. My world was quiet and empty without her.
In spite of this – I kept listening – and I leaned into my art while I sought direction and guidance from the Universe.
What I discovered and was intuitively guided toward was a new way to paint! I noticed that when I consistently followed my spiritual guidance with trust, the artistic flow was always available, always right, and always doable.
I also felt compelled to PLAY. Playfully create art. Playfully engage with others. Playfully make my way through Life – just like I did when Lynn was with me.
This is when I invented my first game – Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies: 100 Days of Miracles. A game designed to open your intuition, inspire you into action, and get you to create miracles in your business … every day!
And what I discovered is AMAZING and magical:
When people play games, their imagination is activated – their creativity is released – they experience a flow of such abundance they are transformed into their true selves.
They fully realize they are AMAZING.

Games connect us to each other in unique ways.
Games draw us into communion with each other.
So…that leads me to where we are now, and to you. You may be wondering why you would want to create a game. Consider this…
Imagine you are at a business networking event. Each person introduces themselves with their name and occupation – I’m Susan and I’m a book coach. I’m Frank and I’m a mindset coach. I’m Joanie and I wrote a book about transformation of the mind. I’m Victoria and I help authors get their book published.
Now imagine it’s your turn and you say “I’m here and I invented a game”.
I can tell you from experience that you now have their full attention. Every single person will lean in and want to know more about you and what you offer
Why? Because who else do you know has invented their own game?
This is exactly how I launched my business and sold out my game’s first production run and coaching program.
It positioned me as an expert – AND – it positioned me as the go-to person for manifesting the business of your dreams.
Curious about having your own game? A game with your personal soul-inspired teachings can help you magically and authentically connect with your clients.
A game allows you to stand out as a heart-centered and serious business owner. It is how you attract exactly the right people…the people you want to work with and help.
I’d love to meet you! To talk about how you too can allow more play and more magic to grow your business – to show you how you and your business are already AMAZING and how you can PLAY BIG – and perhaps help create a magical game for you, and your soul mission and your business.
Start here. Write me a message now and let’s play!