Dream big! You are worthy of everything you want in your life. You deserve to achieve your dreams! So why do you sometimes feel like what you want isn’t coming to you? Like you aren’t able to manifest your dreams?
You’re probably familiar with a commonly known universal law – the Law of Attraction. It states that you attract what you focus on and think about. Where you set your vibration and the resonance of your heart, the Law of Attraction follows.
Manifestation is about synchronicity and things arriving without any seemingly physical effort. Your Higher Self is managing the entire process and will always give you the things you desire and are in alignment with your mission.
“Every morning, I get up, say my affirmations and ask for the thing I want. I even beg for it. I want it so much but I never get it”
Sound familiar? There are many other universal laws operating alongside the Law of Attraction… including the Law of Resistance. When you resist something more than you attract it, however, it cannot come.
Resistance shows up in many ways. You may not even recognize it. Resistance may be as subtle as an unconscious belief that shows up in a way that doesn’t allow us to accept or recognize what the universe is handing us, especially if it doesn’t look how we expect.
Limiting beliefs are the most common form of resistance to manifesting our dreams. Feelings of unworthiness are a frequent interference. Another is a scarcity mindset. In short, the idea that resources are limited and if you accept abundance, someone else is robbed of what they need. Again, these can be very subtle and often sound like childhood experiences (eg “Will there be enough cake for everyone?”).
Releasing Limiting Beliefs to Manifest Your Dreams
Many courses tell you to identify your limiting beliefs to shed resistance. I disagree. When you focus on limiting beliefs, that’s what will show up. That’s how the Law of Attraction works! It’s about focus.
To move away from resistance, there are three steps to make manifesting much easier.
Start by relaxing! At the beginning, focus on the lovely imagining feeling, living inside of that sensation and experiencing all of the emotions you’ll have when it’s done. Let yourself be washed over in the joy and awesomeness while you are still feeling amazing.
Reflect. Ask yourself “Is there anything I’m inspired to do inside this awesome energy?” (Acknowledge limiting beliefs when they appear. However, you don’t need to heal them. There’s nothing wrong – it’s part of the journey!)
Action. Inspired action isn’t necessarily about the thing you want. It’s about managing your energy. You’re inspired and you do that inspired thing. (Often it’s self-care!) Positive action lights you up knowing that you can have your desires. This opens up alignment and makes manifesting faster.
Believe that your dreams are true and possible. Focus on Your Desires. And have fun!
Do You Want to go on a Journey to Manifest Your Dreams? Join me on a free Guided Dream Journey!
Want to know more about manifestation? Check out my other blog posts:
Law of Attraction Lessons From Your Dog: https://jeanberrypresents.com/2015/11/05/law-of-attraction-lessons-from-your-dog/
5 AbunDANCES Every Entrepreneur Should Learn: https://jeanberrypresents.com/2016/07/18/5-abundances-every-entrepreneur-should-learn/