#1. Card Deck:
A deck can refresh your image, make it interactive and fun and create a great ‘gift’ product that is a fun bonus. Books and decks are MAGIC together. They open up fun and playfulness while showing the depth and breadth of your expert ability on your topic. They are accessible, they are the easiest way to produce a physical product that aligns with your book, reinforcing your concepts, and makes it fun, new and fresh. This interactive, engaging product stays on desks, causes referrals and is just plain fun.
#2 Game:
A board or card game instantly gamefies your work and makes it interactive so that it can easily flow into a membership club, a retreat or an interactive talk. AND it makes your book and business more fun and magnetic! If a book and deck are MAGIC together, then a book and game are simply Money-Manifesting-Machines. A Game can instantly turn an event into game night and cause the deep transformations that you desire. They open up community through interactive play, and allow the possibility of WINNING or collaborating to win! Games create the kind of engagement that opens doors because there is camaraderie and conversation. You get to create the rules, because you created the game. This allows people to step into your reality, stand there with you and transform faster. It’s a natural growth accelerator with your book. Say Yes to a GAME!
#3 Membership Club:
Clubs can create community and accountability around the transformation that your book teaches. There’s no question that the biggest frustration for transformational book authors is that the people who read them simply don’t implement all the goodness that is inside the book. You can help your readers and clients get big results that are not possible doing it on their own. In addition, this is one of the BEST ways to scale your biz as big as you want to go! Because it’s easy to contract with accountability coaches who can serve your people while you stay the expert on your topic.
#4 Course:
Courses with support programs attached allow your readers to go more deeply into each topic, apply the lessons and get feedback from the expert (YOU!) A well designed course program helps your clients to see the outcomes that they can receive and go step-by-step through the process. They also get to know you through your videos, audios, visuals and worksheets. In addition, if you create an evergreen course, it allows you to focus on other areas of your business while growing your platform, audience and client results. Even evergreen courses require you to be energetically present, but they are an awesome way to leverage your time. My guideline is, if I am repeating the same information over and over to people, it’s time to make a course! Mini-courses can also be great lead generators. With all the platforms that are available choose one that aligned with you and you’re on your way!
[QUICK TIP:] I had lots of people ask me about my course platform, I use kajabi. —perhaps I should make a mini course on how to use it!—You can check in out here. Yes, I get a little referral if you buy from my link 😄
#5 Retreat:
Create an experience around your book’s teachings in an immersion retreat in a fun location. Retreats are easy to curate when you center it around your book. Each session is around the deeper trainings in your book. You get to give your participants deep dives into parts of your teachings that has them leave renewed, as well as have a new habit or way of being ‘installed’ into their human operating systems. After a retreat with you, your clients love you even more for giving them what they crave: More of YOU and more of your brilliance as part of their beings. They will talk about it for years!
About Jean: Jean Berry is a Game Inventor Mentor, she loves helping entrepreneurs have more fun and make more money. As an inventor, game development coach, international speaker, intuitive artist, accountant and spiritual guide she is uniquely gifted at helping coaches, speakers and thought leaders create branded games out of their unique & transformational processes. This usually leads to Serious Fun & Serious Profit.
When not playing games with clients, she can be found in her art studio in Austin, TX or attending live music with her husband, Dale or playing with their dog, Razzle Dazzle.