I was getting on a plane recently realized I had forgotten to bring a book and my cards. I was thinking, “Well, I could read on my ipad, I have several books in my kindle”, and “I have those digital angel cards.” Then I sighed deeply. Nope…It’s not going to happen. I want to hold them! I went straight to the book store and bought a book. (They didn’t have any cool angel or oracle cards!)
Even though digital books seem to be widely available, I read an article recently on entrepreneur magazine (ironically online!). It shared that, “Despite the widespread digitization of favorite pastimes such as reading and watching TV, the dominant format of entertainment remains print books, DVDs, Blu-ray disks and physical prints of digital photographs, according to the study.” They are referring to a 2015-2017 study about physical products.
The study drew several conclusions, but what I read into it is this: Physical products are not going anywhere, in fact, they are gaining steam over digital.
In my opinion, the main reason is because we simply feel more ownership over something physical. I, personally, like a physical product to remind me of fun, whimsy, tasks, connection to others. To me it feels grounded, solid and more true in physical form.
Anecdotally, as a business owner who specializes in business success, magic and fun, having a physical product helps me to shift people and businesses faster because, with a physical reminder, they are more in the game.
Any new process requires a leap of faith and moving through that phase of ‘remember/forget’. You know, those times when you have a brilliant idea and then 3 days later, you have forgotten all about it, only to have it resurface weeks later and you judge yourself for having forgotten. Yes, THAT phase.
Having a physical product helps business owners remember that they are shifting to their new BIG idea!
It’s one of the main reasons I have specialized in creating decks and games around the main transformation inside a business. This keeps it front and center with clients and potential clients.
What is your opinion? Do you like physical over digital when it comes to books, pictures, games, music, movies?
I’d love to hear from you! Reply and let me know what you feel about this topic.
If you have been thinking about a physical product, Deck or Game added to your business, I’d love to chat with you about it!
Link to article: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/308186
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