I grew up being a ‘good girl’. The payoffs were high for doing as I was told, excelling in school and being the teacher’s pet. I could see the only path to getting love and attention was to ‘do it right’. Where RIGHT was what everyone else deemed to be successful. Don’t be loud, don’t make a fuss, no emotions, stay in the lines. In other words, be cute, be smart (but not too smart), be creative (but not confrontative), and only speak when you are asked a question.
In business, I was always striving to ‘look good’ (ie: be perfect), align with the leadership in the company or the industry while trying to form my own opinion so I would look intelligent. Early in my career, I was working for a company and realized that I had ‘sold my soul’. The owner of the company asked me for my opinion on a project, and I perfectly parroted back to him his words in a way that sounded something like me. I had become a ‘yes-man’. I left shortly after that, because at some level I could see it was costing me, even though it took me many years to see the spiritual cost of trying to fit in and ‘do it right’.
The Spiritual Cost . . .
When I started my own business, the spiritual cost of not being fully ME made it nearly impossible to be successful. Add to that the lack of skill in many areas should have driven me out of business. But I was tenacious if nothing else! Ha!
I started to apply my healing and spiritual training to my business and what I discovered is that the deeper spiritual cost is not just mis-alignment, but also seeing things as dualistic. Seeing the world through the lens of Good-Bad, Up-Down, Fast-Slow, Shadow-Light, etc. This vision is what keeps the universe as we currently see it in place, so innovation and real TRANSFORMATION can’t fly. Because the thought that you HAVE to do it right suggests that there is a WRONG way. I was programmed to do it right (and not be a ‘bad girl’). In my mind, I SO didn’t want to do it wrong, that it seemed better to do nothing than to risk choosing a way that might not be right. The problem was, I didn’t know what the right way was or how to figure it out without someone telling me how to ‘win’ in their game.
I wasn’t playing my own game, and I was seeing the solutions to that as Black and White. It took me many years to be able to break out of those judgments and do what I wanted.
ANY WAY is the Right Way. Simply Move, Decide, or Take Action
Any of those actions solves the challenge of duality. It automatically puts you on the action of YOUR path because you CHOOSE.
Spending ANY time on looking at what needs to be solved, fixed or figuring out what is wrong here or how to fit in is time living in the Dualistic World of possibly being wrong. You just don’t need that energy (I sure don’t!)
I have chosen to focus on what I want, what I love, where I am going. This IS the FASTEST path to manifesting. Living in the world of “Doing it Right” cost me my ability to be authentically ME, it cost me years of trying to ‘figure it out’ and didn’t allow me to step fully into my JOY and serve the people I’m here to serve!
And that’s BAD Business Strategy.
That is why I stay focused on my highest and best in any situation. Over the last few years, my business has grown, my impact has grown exponentially and I LOVE my life. That only comes from doing it Right for ME.
I’m playing my own game.
I’d love to hear how you play your game of biz. Join us in the Game-Changers Facebook group where we talk about everything intuition, business, games and joyful living!