Here’s a tale about teamwork, getting support, and having everything working out perfectly. By sharing a story of my humanity with you, I hope it can help you see how getting support can really get you where you want to go.
I’m not a fan of sitcoms.
I think the situations are often unbelievable and paint the characters as being less brilliant or creative than they really are. It’s a bit judgmental of me, I know. When things go wrong for people, I truly don’t delight in it. I find myself asking why didn’t they get help? What’s wrong with them?
Today, I found myself in a sitcom – struggling through a comedy of errors and learning a valuable lesson along the way. First thing in the morning, I had a call scheduled that I was looking forward to. I got up, ate breakfast, started my day, put my earbuds in, entered our online meeting space and BAM – no internet. So frustrating!! After quickly messaging her I’d be a few minutes late, I hurried downstairs and reset the router hoping it would fix the WiFi. Nope. Nothing. I waited, thinking it may take a few minutes but still nothing.
Still No Internet . . . I’m not Happy.
At this point, I’m really starting to get frustrated. I sent another message asking if we could meet via phone and she agreed to call in 10 minutes. Now I have 10 minutes to kill and the desire to get the internet working because I’d prefer a video meeting. I remember my husband explaining I could connect directly to the internet with a cord downstairs. Perfect!!! Confident I can solve this, I grab my laptop and the cord…. It doesn’t fit. My laptop doesn’t have the correct port. Ugh. But another lightbulb goes off… the desktop upstairs DOES have the right adapter. All I have to do is get the cord upstairs….. it was pretty long and I knew if I could stretch it, I could still make this video call happen.
Looking at the cord, it reminded me of a lasso. “I’ve seen cowboys do this,” I thought,
“They even catch cows with it – I can be a cowboy!”
Coiling up the cord, I tried to toss it over the railing. It missed and now the cord is unraveled and messy. I try again – too short the second time, but closer! Still confident I can do this – I throw it a third time. It misses, hits the fireplace, and knocks a statue from the mantle to the floor. As I stood there looking at the shattered statue, my confidence is gone. I start crying and calling myself names.
Down the rabbit hole I go, feeling bad, I start asking myself all kinds of questions. How could I be so dumb? How could I not manage things in the moment? How did I let myself believe I could do something so out of my realm? Of course, that’s when the phone rings. Because remember – this was all in an effort to have a meeting! Had this call been so important I couldn’t postpone it to try other solutions? I was totally a sitcom character —
I was in a ridiculous situation that I could have avoided if I’d only stopped to think and get help!
Leaving the shattered statue to be cleaned up later, I had the meeting I’d been looking forward to before this whole internet fiasco started. I shared my story and we got a laugh about it. After our call, I contacted the cable company who had the problem solved in under 30 minutes. And they didn’t even have to break anything!
So I ask you …
What are some things you’re doing like a cowboy?
When are you so confident that you “got this” that it gets in the way of asking an expert who can come in and fix it for you? It prevents you from seeking support from someone who can help you avoid unnecessary mistakes, time and money!
Who is your team? Who is your coach that can help you remember where your best time is spent?
I invite you today to consider what are those things that allow you to get support, have some teamwork and to be your very best self. (And do the things you’re BEST at!)
Being able to look back and laugh at a situation is great – but sometimes with the help of our team we can find solutions much quicker without leaving a trail of tears, disappointments, mistakes and even broken things!
If you’d like to watch me tell this story about Teamwork, Support & Being a Cowboy, you can view it here:
Here are some other Play resources:
To learn more about The Playground: Game Creator’s Club
You can read about it HERE.
If you would like to join the conversation about what makes miracles happen in your life and biz, join
The Playground Miracle Mastery Facebook group.
You can JOIN it HERE.
The BEST way to hone your Intuition so you can trust it is to practice every day! Play the Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies Game. (We can help you be consistent with your practice in the group as well.)
How are you best supported, who is your team? Post about it here or in the FaceBook group!