I don’t think about my vibration level much….but occasionally, I see how important it is to my well-being! On Tuesday when I was to fly out of Denver, I had the craziest day. I had spent the weekend in Laramie, WY helping me son move. He was going to take me to Fort Collins (an hour over the mountain) on Sunday. There was a snow storm and travel was not possible; so I was able to hitch a ride Monday morning with one of his friends. I spent a beautiful day with my friend Elena, and was to fly out Tuesday morning. I booked a shuttle to pick me up at 6:45am and then Tuesday happened.
At 6:30am I received a text from the shuttle company that they were on their way. At 7:00am I was still standing at their front door calling and texting the company wondering where they were. At 7:15 they called me and said there had been a glitch in their computer and they were not coming.
I checked out Lyft and would be $110 for a ride. That was an option. Right then my hosts came down for breakfast and saw me still there! They offered to give me a ride. At first I balked at their generous offer of taking 2-3 hours out of their day for me. But it just ‘felt’ right, so I accepted. On the way, they needed gas, so I filled them up….seemed like a good exchange!
When we were about 1/2 way there, we saw brake lights ahead. I quickly pulled out my google maps….
we have a problem. It says there is a 1.5 hour delay on the highway. Had we gone 3 feet further ahead, we would not have been able to snake over and get off on the last exit available and take an alternative way.
I got to the airport, checked in. Go to gate A41. I’m on my way, I stop for oatmeal. It’s a lovely day. When I arrived at gate A41 it said “Pittsburgh”.
That is not where I am going. Announcement on the PA, “if you are going to Austin, the gate has changed to B11”. Now I’m feeling rushed. Back down to the train, over to terminal B, speed walk to the end of the terminal….B11. I’m there, get in line, eat oatmeal.
Deep Breath….Wait….
Why aren’t we boarding? Announcement from the desk, “we have mechanical problems with this plane, we are looking for another plane and there will most likely be a gate change.” Wait, chat with passengers. I started to think, “I am speaking tonight at 6 in Austin, will I make it in time?” 30 minutes later, another announcement that they had found a plane and we were now leaving out of gate B47.
Let’s Walk…..
Or Skip, or Smile, or simply enjoy the extra exercise that I’m was getting. I got to the gate, we boarded. It was an uneventful flight, I arrived home (only 15 minutes later than expected) and spoke at 6:00 to an amazing group of Texas business women.
So why do I tell you this story, and what does it have to do with Raising Vibrations?
Truth is, I almost didn’t write about it, because it actually turned out to be a non-event. Yet, when I evaluated it, based on my history, this could have been a completely different outcome. In the past, I would have been calling my husband and the meeting host complaining and being stressed out. Even if I had made it home on time, I may have canceled the speaking event because I was stressed out. Or, I would have gone and complained to everyone there about how horrible traveling is and how people are idiots everywhere.
After that, I would have wondered why no one wanted to sign up or buy anything from me.
Over the past year I have worked with my fabulous coach, Rachel Archelaus and although we worked on ‘business stuff’, our main work was raising my vibration so that life and biz got more fun and more effortless.
TRUTH: Raising your vibration does not make bad things stop happening….it simply makes them easier to traverse and allows love and joy to still exist.
What do you do EVERY DAY that helps you to keep your vibration at it’s highest level?
Are you playing the Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies: 100 Days of Miracles Game every day?
Could you use some support from an amazing team?
I invite you to check out the Playground: Biz+Play Collaboration Club. Michelle & I made a video that tells more about it. Watch it here:
To learn more about The Playground: Biz+Play Collaboration Club
You can read about it HERE.
If you would like to join the conversation about what makes miracles happen in your life and biz, join the
The Playground Miracle Mastery Facebook group.
You can JOIN it HERE.
The BEST way to hone your Intuition so you can trust it is to practice every day! Play the Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies Game. (We can help you be consistent with your practice in the group as well.)
What is your favorite way to Raise Your Vibration? Post it here or in the group!