I just finished painting this enormous canvas with a very intense dog. He makes me giggle. Have you ever had a dog watching you so intensely? This dog is partially cyborg (resistance is futile) and partly hypnotic keeping you from looking away. As everything collapses into his stare, even the tiles spin at his feet. What shows through, though, is the immense love and devotion symbolized by the shape of the heart over his head, and the power that emanates from his whole body. The brilliant colors press up against each other making the whole painting vibrate and creating an intensely energetic feeling that makes you want to get up and get moving (or maybe take the dog for walk!)
All my paintings have a deeper spiritual meaning and metaphor. and this painting is no exception. This painting is about the miracles that occur when you stay tenaciously in action on a project. The law of attraction insists that what you stay focused on and in action on will come to pass. Of course, the way the outcome comes to pass is still up to the Divine. Just as this sweet, intense dog may not get a walk, he’s sure to at least get a belly rub.
The Daily practice that is a natural match for this painting is Gratitude. When you hold time each day focused on gratefulness to the outcomes you wish for and experience makes the law of attraction move even faster. Tenaciously hold yourself grateful, watching for an opportunity to receive the miracles that show up daily.